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The Runner's High

Good morning! Just a little Thursday morning tidbit. I went on a run the other day and after the run I thought to myself, man I really love the feeling I get when I finish a run. I partake in training in several types of endurance sports from running, to cycling on my trainer, and swimming. I strength train 2-3 times a week, as well. I feel good after all of my workouts, but the runner's high is on another level. This feeling is not foreign to me. I have been running on a regular basis for 4 years or so by now. It just never fails to amaze me that it comes after every run. It seems to be even stronger after I finish a run I didn't feel like doing. There are a lot of days, more often than not that I don't feel like starting my runs. When I finish those workouts that runner's high is even stronger. Now, I'm here to tell you that I am far from being a good runner. I'm SLOOOW! But I can't help but feel like I experience the same feeling that a good runner feels after their runs. The crazy thing for me is, I used to HATE running. I ran while participating in other activities, but the idea of just going for a run was not something I thought of as enjoyable. In fact, it sounded like torture to me. Now running does so much for me physically, mentally, and emotionally. Running is my therapy. I hope that other runners out there experience the same "Runner's High" that I do! Have a great Thursday!

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