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Thursday Morning Tidbit

Good Thursday morning! I hope everyone is having a good week. This week I have made a valiant effort to be out of bed by 5:00am. Actually, my goal has been to be out of bed at 4:30-4:45. This is a new habit I am trying to implement. Now, normally I'm up by 6:00, but for me to be able to do my morning ritual and get a morning workout in I realized I needed to adjust my schedule. I have managed to make it happen this week. My mornings this week so far have consisted of me being out of bed by 4:45, in my office by 5:00 with a cup of coffee. I write some stuff down in a notebook, read for 20-30 minutes, and get ready to go for a workout. The goal this week has been to be out of the door on a walk, or run by 6:00, and it has happened from Monday on this week. My experience thus far is positive. I feel like once I get going that momentum carries on throughout the day, and at the end of the day I feel tired and ready to go to bed.

My key takeaways so far are:

-I get my morning ritual done.

-I get a morning exercise in, and that in itself makes for a better day.

-My time management is better.

-My daily priorities are more likely to get done. With time to spare at the end of the day, usually.

-I'm tired at the end of the day, which promotes better sleep.

I know I'm still in the early stages of building this habit, but I already feel the positive side effects of the change. I will give updates as I continue to build this habit. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!

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